My Roles: 
UX Lead, Service Design, Art Direction
Group members:
Petula Pascall, UX Development & UX Research
Genesis Balatzar, UX Design & UX Research
Cole Vercammen, Information Architecture & UX Research

External Stakeholders:
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Para Los Niños
Salud de Promotora

Tia is an AI for Children’s Hospital Los angeles, helping LatinX families get the answers they need at time when help isn’t available. Our AI (Tia) is bilingual helps communicate to the spanish-speaking user with simplified information and instructions given according to what the user might need. Promotoras are group of individuals in the LatinX community of whom other LatinX individuals trust—they serve as the most knowledgeable and trusted in their community, helping others in whichever way they might need. Because of this, we’ve extended the opportunity to get help from promotoras through AI. Tia contains all the knowledge all promotoras at CHLA have. When contacted out of office hours, our AI is able to help fill in that gap.

Feedback from External Stakeholders:
1. This is great for our user beacuse not all have access to the internet, a computer, or mobile device with wifi.
2. Our users usually call in, sometimes they text message, so this is a great solution for after hours when they’re finally able to get in contact with us.

We didn’t have the chance to effectively test our prototype on our specific users, being they are undocumented LatinX individuals. When the quarantine has lifted on our economy we plan, as a team, to user test our protoype and develop the backend portion of this project of which entails artificial intelligence and machine learning.

As a group, we were quite torn in the beginning on this project considering our research led to the development of a personalized AI serving a specific niche. Supposing our biases have led to solidifying the pathway to develop a mobile and/or web app, the research indicated our user primarily interacts with their staff via phone. It is also important to note that our user receives all forms of communication, however their collective sole interaction is through phone call and text with a 9:10 ratio to other forms such as email and video call. The reason for this is not because the user can’t afford the technology, though some can’t, but because most of the users are unfamiliar or don’t understand the tech due to language barriers and varying technology literacy levels, among other factors. As a group, we were sort of nervous in a sense that we were designing a product without a visual or physical representation, and that was our fault because we weren’t designing a product at all, we were actually designing a service.
Please sign into your Adobe Account to access voice commands on prototype.
Hold spacebar and say, “hello.”
Click here for prototype.